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August 9, 10, 11 to be specific! The everpopular Vermont Plein Air Festival returns for a weekend of art in the outdoors. Mad River Valley Arts and the Valley Artists Guild are combining their energies to create a summer art event that will be exciting for both spectators and artists alike. A special Kid’s Plein Air is planned for the weekend.

Amateur and professional artists are invited to join in the painting, exhibit their creations in the outdoor art show and hopefully sell a few of their amazing works. Spectators have the rare opportunity to see art being created, have the opportunity to talk with their favorite artists (or make new friends) and purchase a painting they just saw being created right before their eyes.

Keep checking the websites of the two organizations for updates and registration procedures as time gets closer to the event. www.madrivervalleyarts.org or www.valleyartistsguild.org.